As I have mentioned recently in these pages, this past
weekend was the second annual Loreto Food and Wine Festival. The inaugural event last year was a very
successful two day celebration with a street party on the Saturday and a golf
tournament on the Sunday. Due to the
success of the event, the original goal of purchasing a much needed piece of
medical equipment for the hospital in town was more than accomplished, and with
the additional funds left over the organizers was able to assist a number of other
worthy causes in town.
Following this initial success, the organizers realized that
to maximize the benefits of future such events, an umbrella structure was
required and the Amigos de Loreto was created, which I profiled here several
weeks ago (
). During the past year, in addition to
administering the distribution of the funds from last year’s Festival and
creating a conduit for ongoing charitable donations from the expanding ex-pat
community, the small group of volunteers that form the core of the “Amigos”
organization had a big “sophomore” challenge facing them – meeting, and
hopefully exceeding, the high expectations that were set by the success of the
first Festival.
I had been asked to play a small role conducting the live
auction later on in the evening and so I arrived a little before the scheduled
start time to familiarize myself with the set-up and go over last minute
details with several of the organizers.
The Hotel patio was an impressive sight with large round tables for 10
attractively laid with white linens and table centers filling an area in front
of a temporary stage platform where the Khnemua Jazz Ensemble, a 4 piece
blues/jazz combo from Cabo that would be playing through the evening.
The meal was accompanied by generous quantities of 4
different wines supplied by several of the different wineries who were
represented at the Festival and concluded with a light desert of Cream Pablova
with mixed Berries. The live
entertainment continued throughout the meal, with the vocalist and stylized
blues/jazz repertoire adding an uncommon “dinner club” atmosphere to the
evening. During the first band break
representatives of several of the wineries introduced themselves and
highlighted the wines we were enjoying with the meal.
My brief stint as Auctioneer was scheduled to take place
during the second band break and, following some descriptions of the items on
offer by Elaine, the Auction Chair of the event, I did my best to coax a total
of over $3,300 US out of the crowd for the four items that included a private
catered dinner for four (later enlarged to eight) in winner’s home by Chef
Kieran from Restaurant 1697, who was the Head Chef for the meal we had all just
enjoyed. There was also a private return
flight for two from Loreto to San Ignacio with a Whale watching tour included,
a two night stay at a golf resort in Cabo and a stay for up to six at the Guest
House at an organic olive orchard in central California.
When people started arriving for the Street Party in the
late afternoon their appropriate wristbands were checked by volunteers at
reception tents at either end of the blocked off section of the street and then
everyone received another a souvenir wine glass imprinted with the Festival
logo, and a commemorative T-shirt in a similarly logoed tote bag and an all
important restaurant “passport” listing the names of all the food venues and
the specialty they were serving.
Last year I was disappointed that I was away on a visit to
Canada during the first Festival and could only report on it second hand (,
as a result I have been looking for to this year’s event all Season – and
suffice to say, I was not disappointed!
While in any large event like this, organized and staffed by volunteers,
many of whom put in hundreds of hours of meetings and work for months leading
up to the weekend, there can always be room found for improvements, but there
is no question that this year’s celebration raised the bar much higher and,
along with it, raised considerably more funds which will no doubt benefit that
much longer a list of worthy recipients than were assisted last year. More information will be available about the
fund raising results from the Festival on the Amigo’s website when the final
accounting is completed.
Seeing how this community has pulled together to begin a
Festival tradition that will apparently thrive and grow in the future, and by
so doing, improve the quality of life for many whom we share this beautiful
place with that are less fortunate than we who have recently arrived. And seeing how our enjoyment of the good
things in life can help to benefit so many others – that is truly a special synergy
of “Living Loreto”!