Amidst the day to day routine of “Living Loreto” that for
most of the ex-pat population here includes socializing, golfing, kayaking,
cycling, beachcombing – and just enjoying the pleasures of spending time
enjoying a beautiful place and a (usually) ideal climate, a growing number of
people are looking for something more.
They are looking for a way to give back, or pay forward - to do things
that make a difference and make a contribution that will help to make this an
even better place, and benefit some of the people who live here under difficult

This desire to help found a way to be expressed with the
formation of Loreto Bay Volunteers about four years ago. This umbrella organization brought together
those in our community that were looking for a way to get involved and
contribute to making a difference, and worthy recipients throughout the
surrounding area so that the efforts were focused where they would do the most
good where the need was greatest.
While the Volunteer group has a regular schedule of meetings
throughout the season, this week there was an “Open House” event held at the
Golf Course Clubhouse to introduce the community at large to the numerous
agencies that receive assistance in one form or another, and continue to expand
their activities and the benefits that result.

When I arrived, the courtyard of the Clubhouse was busy with
over a hundred mainly Loreto Bay residents, along with others who had come from
town to get involved, while around the perimeter there were table top displays
by a number of the agencies that receive support from the organization. In addition to beverages and snacks provided
by the Hoyo 19, the Clubhouse restaurant, Rich (the “lone dog” musician of the
local Beach Dogs currently in Loreto Bay) was doing a solo performance
entertaining the assembled crowd.
The energies of the Volunteers are focused into four general
areas: Community, Environment, Children and Animals and most of these involve the
following agencies with different specific areas of interest and activity:
Caritas - A
charity organization that works to feed, clothe & give basic care to the
needy of Loreto and its surrounding communities.
Ramon’s Families –
Named after a popular Property Manager in Loreto Bay who is the organizer, this
is a group of destitute/in-need families that have “fallen through the cracks” and are now
receiving donations of food, clothing and housewares collected in Loreto Bay.
Internado - The
Internado is a government-sponsored hostel for 62 children from kindergarten
thru high school. It provides children who live in the rancheros & fish
camps from outlying areas a place to live in town so they can attend the local
public schools.
Earthcomp - Earthcomp’s
goal is to reduce waste and the resulting contamination of air, soil, &
water thru public education and immediate action that restores and preserves
natural balance by recycling plastics and composting organic waste.
Amigos de Loreto
- ADL is the civil association/Mexican nonprofit “umbrella” organization that
LBV works with to comply with Mexican law with a primary focus on supporting
the medical needs of the larger Community and children’s groups.
Ilsa Verde Garden
– This program aims to develop an educational gardening area for kids in Loreto,
the full program is based on the Lifelab curriculum ( that runs from kindergarten
to high school in its educational range.
Living Roots - Living
Roots has been promoting vibrant Baja Ranchero lifestyle for future
generations. The focus is on Community empowerment, Economic development, Youth
engagement, and expanding the marketplace through developing a Cultural Center
in nearby San Javier.
Eco Alianza de Loreto
– With the mission to protect & conserve our natural & cultural
environment by empowering civil society and Government to jointly create
healthy & prosperous communities, the goals for Eco Alianza include improving
the enforcement of Loreto National Park rules & regulations and increase the
awareness and protection of the municipal watershed of Loreto.
Patronada of Casa
Hogar - Casa Hogar translates as House Home, meaning a house that is a
home-cozy, snug, and safe. It is a temporary home for children who have no
family to live with. Casa Hogar Loreto is sponsored in part by the Mexican
government and further support is provided by the Volunteers to provide
additional living necessities.
Segunda Chansa –
Supporting Loreto’s private animal shelter with supplies and equipment and
organizing Volunteers to help feed and socialize rescued animals and transport
some of them to shelters in the US for adoption.
Animalandia –
Provides clinic care for stray and abandoned animals and sponsors periodic free
spay and neuter clinics and vouchers for these procedures that are distributed
to low income pet owners in Loreto.
CAM - Special
Education School – Providing financial support and other contributions for
the education of local children with learning disabilities.
Community Medical
Support - Focusing on Loreto Hospital, Red Cross, the Bomberos, and the Rehab Unit, this LBV subgroup collects funds and other donations for quarterly
acquisition of supplies for the Loreto Hospital.
As you can see, beneath the surface of the tranquil setting
that we all enjoy here, the needs and opportunities for volunteer assistance
and charity are many and diverse, and Loreto Bay Volunteers are making
important contributions that are making big differences in so many areas! At the same time, these activities provide
purpose and satisfaction for the growing numbers of residents who are spending
increasing amounts of time here and are looking for meaningful ways to make a
Underlying all of this positive effort and energy is the
simple fact that I have been aware of since I started living here almost 10
years ago – a little goes a very long way!
While many of the “poor” in North America may own cars and TV sets, here
in the Baja poverty is much more basic and the needs are far greater. But with that, the opportunities to make a
real difference are also greater, and that is a benefit for all of us who are
able to be “Living Loreto”.
P.S. If you are looking for more information on any of these
activities or Agencies or want to get involved and help (from near or far) please
or Loreto Bay Volunteers on Facebook.